employees around a wooden table hiring solutions

How to Increase Headcount and Fill Digital Talent Gaps on Your Team

Time to read: 5 min.

– Strategic Growth: Companies looking to expand should identify departments that need additional resources and prepare detailed job descriptions to attract top talent.
– Use of Staffing Agencies: Collaborating with staffing agencies can streamline the recruitment process, reduce workload on HR, and ensure high-quality candidates.
– Effective Recruitment: Involving team members in the hiring process and using structured interviews can improve hiring decisions and team cohesion​.

Profiles DC office light bulbs

Profiles Spotlight Talent | Katie B.

For our August Spotlight Talent, we recognize Katie, Creative Copywriter in Plano, TX, for her exceptional work and recent conversion to full-time! Katie’s Job Search Katie Burkhart was fresh out of school in May 2018 and hit the ground running into her job search shortly thereafter, only to hear crickets from her submissions. Katie took…

Infographic: Profiles Consultant Onboarding Process

This article was originally posted on 8/6/2019. Updates to the below infographic were made 1/31/2023. Congratulations! You got the job, and you’ve accepted the offer. Now what? Profiles is here with this handy checklist, laying out the Onboarding Process to ensure a smooth transition into your new position. Use the below infographic as your guide…


Crafting a Resignation Letter: Breaking Down the Format

Time to read: 3 minutes

Crafting a Resignation Letter Summary:

– A resignation letter formally announces your departure to your superiors and helps you leave your position on a high note. 
– Your resignation letter should be formatted with include an introduction, body, and a conclusion that discusses your transition plan.
– Working with a Profiles recruiter can help you move forward with ease in your career change.