neon cubes stacked - workforce trends shaping 2024

Workforce Trends Reshaping the 2024 Labor Landscape

Time to Read: 4 mins

2024 Workforce Trends and Themes Summary:
– The modern workforce is undergoing transformative shifts, driven by trends such as AI integration, sustainability emphasis, and the rise of micro-influencers.
– Millennials and Gen Z individuals are influencing workplace dynamics with their diverse perspectives, fostering innovation and adaptability.
– Businesses embracing transparency, sustainability, and authentic engagement are poised to thrive amidst evolving consumer expectations and technological advancements.

emerging AI job titles in creative and marketing

Emerging AI Job Titles in Creative and Marketing

Time to read: 6 mins

Emerging AI Job Titles in Creative and Marketing Summary:
– Without a doubt, AI has taken the world by storm and has become a part of everyday life, both personally and in business.
– Brief overview of 10 emerging AI Job Titles in Creative and Marketing
– Finding the right AI professionals will be especially important as AI technology develops even further.

woman perplexed having to write an email asking for feedback after job rejection

A Quick Guide to Asking for Feedback After a Job Rejection [Email Template]

Time to Read: 5 minutes

Asking for Feedback After Job Rejection Summary:
– Understand that job rejection is not a direction reflection on you or your skillset, and in fact, asking for feedback after being rejected from a job is a big career growth move.
– Responding and asking for feedback after job rejection is often an overlooked step in the job search/interview process.
– A lay out of the key points to include in addition to a job rejection email template to produce an effective and thoughtful follow-up.

thread, scissors, and measuring tape on white background - tailor your resume to job description

Tailor Your Resume to Any Job Using These 6 Tips

Time to Read: 6 mins
Tailor Your Resume to the Job Description Summary:
– Job searching online is convenient, but the vast reach of the internet means that most jobs receive many unqualified applicants.
– Many companies utilize Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to help sift through applicant resumes.
– Use the tips below to tailor your resume to the job description and ensure it makes it through ATS.