many devices personifying too much screen time

How to Combat the Negative Effects of Too Much Screen Time

Time to read: 3 minutes

Combatting Too Much Screen Time Summary:
– Between social media, remote work, lockdowns, and a plethora of current events, the world is glued to a screen of some sort longer than ever.
– Before the pandemic, adults were spending half of the day (the full 24 hours) in front of a screen.
– The effects of too much screen time include eyestrain, headaches, dry eyes, and more – and we discuss how to alleviate these effects.

computer and programs to sharpen graphic design skills

Resources To Help Sharpen Your Graphic Design Skills

Time to read: 4 min

Sharpen Your Graphic Design Skills Summary:
– Graphic design is a frequently evolving industry that requires constant adapting.
– As a graphic designer, there are key graphic design skills you need to be successful: typography, color, layout, branding, and web design.
– This list of resources includes interactive games, infographics, stock photo sites, and more.

question mark for interview questions

68 Questions to Ask In an Interview

Time to read: 6 minutes

Summary of Questions to Ask In an Interview:
– Just as much as the company is interviewing you for the position, you are vetting the company, as well. Come prepared to get the answers you seek.
– Ask questions pertaining to the position, company, company culture, the team, and next steps.

light bulb against blue and yellow background

The Best TED Talks for Inspiration and Overall Well-Being

Time to read: 2 minutes

Summary of the Best TED Talks:
– An all-up, digestible list of some of the best TED Talks gathered by the Profiles team as an employee engagement initiative.
– TED Talk Topics include finding your potential, work-life balance, asking “what do I want,” better sleep, and much more!
– Sharing in hopes of brining light and inspiration during these times of uncertainty and beyond.