coffee iphone and laptop on wooden desk

Remote Workers: Are They Worth It?

Before the Internet phenomenon, allowing employers to connect virtually with their staff, companies that needed to inflate their numbers were restricted to the people who applied locally or were willing to commute. In the rare occasion that someone voluntarily relocated, businesses might have been able to lure hard workers into town from afar, but in…

Don't Cancel the Interview

As a recruiter the last thing you would expect me to say is, “Don’t cancel your interview.” Whenever I have a candidate in final stages of an interview process I always commit them to saying that they will cease all search activities, cancel all upcoming interviews and conversations when an offer is extended. In my…

Optimize Your Job Hunt With LinkedIn

If you’re putting in long hours trying to find a job with a creative employment agency, then you should prioritize the places in which you’re carrying out your job search so that you can exert your precious energy only where it counts. In all likelihood, the most innovative companies are going to be focusing their…