cappuccino in black mug with hello name tag remote onboarding

Why Company Culture is Vital in Remote Onboarding

Time to read: 4 minute read

Company Culture’s Role in Remote Onboarding Summary:
– Company culture is important in any new hire onboarding situation, but even more important when remote onboarding.
– The ways of company culture have shifted and evolved as the workforce shift to a fully remote workforce.
– Steps every business with a strong company culture should take to warmly welcome the new hire.

rocks and ocean workplace mental health peaceful

Workplace Mental Health is the Key to Employee Engagement

Time to read: 3 minutes

Workplace Mental Health Summary:
– Mental health is the ability to cope and thrive as a productive member of society through the normal stresses of life.
– Workplace mental health is very seldom discussed but a key factor in employee engagement and success of the company.
– Addressing and taking care of our own mental health through acts of self-care (list included).

couple works at desk remote work after covid-19

What’s Next for Back to Normal? Work After COVID-19

Time to read: 4 minutes

Back to Normal and the Workforce Summary:
– The discussion around taking work back into the office is happening. However, the way we use to work will look significantly different from the ever-so-trendy open workspace changing to a more closed off setup.
– Networking and business travel will resume, eventually, but will be closely assessed and monitored.
– Companies are still trying to generate leads and continue with business as usual while also working to be a compassionate partner and resource to their customers.