man working at desk remotely best remote jobs

Best Remote Jobs: 2021 Marketing and Creative Technology Hiring Outlook

Time to read: 5 minutes

Best Remote Jobs 2021 Summary:
– Staffing Industry Analysts put out a report referring to survey results sharing that companies plan to increase hiring as soon as Q1 2021, despite lingering uncertainly around COVID-19 and the vaccine. 
– Profiles details the best remote jobs within the marketing and creative technology sector that companies can successfully recruit, onboard, and manage at a remote capacity.

many devices personifying too much screen time

How to Combat the Negative Effects of Too Much Screen Time

Time to read: 3 minutes

Combatting Too Much Screen Time Summary:
– Between social media, remote work, lockdowns, and a plethora of current events, the world is glued to a screen of some sort longer than ever.
– Before the pandemic, adults were spending half of the day (the full 24 hours) in front of a screen.
– The effects of too much screen time include eyestrain, headaches, dry eyes, and more – and we discuss how to alleviate these effects.

a team of creative managed services

Why Choose Managed Services for Creative and Digital Hiring Needs

Time to read: 5 minutes

Is managed services staffing the right move for your hiring needs? Summary:
– Understanding what Managed Services is and how this type of staffing fits into a company’s hiring plans.
– What are the benefits of managed services and why should companies choose this avenue over traditional outsourcing?
– Managed services are very suitable for marketing and creative technology departments.

When your workload exceeds your job duties or stress levels, you need to speak up. However, that's typically easier said than done.

How to Ask Your Boss for More Staff

Time to read: 5 minutes

Summary of How to Convince Your Boss:
– Preparation, attitude, and tone are key.
– Map out your current duties and hurdles to effectively present your case.
– If the hiring process is enough to deter senior leadership from considering new employees, enlist a staffing agency.

light bulb against blue and yellow background

The Best TED Talks for Inspiration and Overall Well-Being

Time to read: 2 minutes

Summary of the Best TED Talks:
– An all-up, digestible list of some of the best TED Talks gathered by the Profiles team as an employee engagement initiative.
– TED Talk Topics include finding your potential, work-life balance, asking “what do I want,” better sleep, and much more!
– Sharing in hopes of brining light and inspiration during these times of uncertainty and beyond.